Posted by : galih jati Sunday, August 3, 2014

Nikon FM2
SLR Nikon FM2, Nikkor 35-70mm, Fujifilm C200
Photographer: Galih Jati

The Nikon FM2 is a semi-professional 35mm single-lens reflex film camera. It was produced and designed by Nippon Kogaku K. K. (The Nikon Corporation) in Japan from 1982 to 2001. The FM2 has a very good reputation for its reliability and durability. As one of my most favorite camera, the FM2 has a very strong body made of copper-aluminum-silicon alloy. 

The FM2 has manual focus and exposure control. It can be operated without batteries, only needs the two S76 or A76 batteries to power the light meter. This durable Nikon camera designed to work at the temperature ranged from −40 °C to +50 °. Most of the moving parts designed with precision and hardened metal materials. 

I have proved that the Nikon FM2 is very tough and reliable SLR film camera. It is considered as one of the top built and rugged mechanical camera ever. Because of its mechanical toughness and ability to operate fully in all features except the light meter, some photographers still use the FM2 film camera as a backup camera.

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