Archive for October 2013

16 century Dutch Bridge

dutch bridge
SLR Pentax K1000, fixed lense 50mm, Fujifilm Superia 200
Photographer: Galih Jati

Old City of Jakarta is a wonderful spot to visit. Many historical building from the past still can be seen here.

Sulfur Dome of Ijen Crater

Ijen Crater
SLR Canon FTB QL, FD Lense 35 - 70mm, Kodak 400
Photographer: Galih Jati

Ijen Crater is the most beautiful Green-colored Acid Lake in the world. This place is very photogenic. Anywhere you may find the uniqueness in your photo!

Young Mother

Kampung Naga Young Mother
SLR Pentax K1000, Lense smc 50mm, Fujifilm Superia 200
Photographer: Galih Jati

Kampung Naga is a traditional village in West Java province.  But obviously, as I visit this village many times, the modernization already changed many basic things today, although they still announce that this village is a traditional village.

Semeru Eruption!

Semeru eruptions
SLR Canon T70, FD Lense 35 - 70mm, Kodak Colorplus 200
Photogrpher: Galih Jati

Semeru Volcano (3676 meters ASL) is the highest volcano in Java. Every 30 minutes to 2 hours the Semeru will always make an entertaining strombolian eruptions!

Spider and Its Web

Spider and its web
SLR Canon T70, 100 - 300mm FD Lense, Kodak Colorplus 200
Photographer: Galih Jati

This spider can grow as wide as the human palm with all fingers stretching. But, don't be afraid because it's not poisonous.

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